Divinely Purposed Ministries; Teaching With a Purpose, is a Christ-based ministry that uses expository teachings to reach, encourage, empower and equip the women of God, and all that desire to know Him.

I did not grow up in the church. I was raised by my parents to be of good character and I assure you, it was a beautiful life for my sister and I, but there was something missing. In 1986, while away in college, I felt the urging on my heart. I can still vividly remember that day-that period of time. Many years later-In 2005, God called me into a closer relationship with Him. I still don’t know why He chose me, but I am so grateful for it. This time was spent in what felt like constant prayer and study. Even as a writer, I still cannot come up with words that can rightly describe that beautiful time in my life. Even as I write this, I am overwhelmed by it all. It was in January 2007 that God gave them ministry to me. I knew it was a ministry designed specifically for women-although I have “accidentally” inspired a few men along the way…my husband Manuel being one of them, although that was no accident. He is my most important ministry. The other thing I knew in January 2007 was that it was a teaching ministry, although I did not fully understand what that meant. I now know that it was as much about how I lived, my character-not just my knowledge. It is my life; my character; my attitude; my faith - that inspires people to trust my knowledge of The Lord. What I did not know in 2007 was that although He gave me this ministry at that time - He was not prepared to send me. That would take years, but what He did in the process was equip me. Through studying and through some difficult life experiences-He equipped me. It did not feel like equipping at the time, it felt like a whooping! During that time of testing and building and breaking and rebuilding, He kept me close to Him. He continued to speak to me, never giving me an opportunity to get too far away from Him. It was in October or November of 2007 that God gave me what I thought was the weirdest assignment. He told me to go to karaoke. Can you imagine God telling someone something as weird as that? But I went. i could not hold a solid tune, but I went. I did not know it at the time, but he was strengthening my voice. Yes, I learned how to sing, but what I mean is this-He empowered my voice using karaoke as a tool. I can speak not just in knowledge of the Word of God, but also with boldness-a boldness I did not have before. Little did I know that He would use that same small task to bless me 10-years later. In 2017, while at karaoke-the man that God specifically created and hand-crafted for me walked in!! He did not just utilize that small task to build me, He used it to bless me. God is faithful!

It is with a strong passion that I launch this ministry of teaching, empowering, igniting and equipping the women of God. I look forward to this journey with you. Be patient with me-I write like a talk. I don’t try to get too fancy with it. Through this blog-these teachings, there are a few people I pray you get to know a little better. Me, You and Christ. Also it is my prayer that you grow closer to God and that you know or come to know Christ as your personal Savior.

I look forward to this journey…

Carol Lynne

Proverbs 31:26 “She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” (NIV)